" The Starchildren Project '
has been created to help
all Children in need ...
and came about
when We had to start
closing Our gates and charging
entrance fees to visit
Our Sanctuary ...
We were having Our Sculptures
stolen and broken , and so
had to start locking the gates ,
which has actually made it
more Personal , to come
and meet You as You enter !
The Angels guided Us to
Cynthia first ... She takes care
of the " Cooper street
Children's Project '...

Your donations have helped
Cynthia feed over 55 Children...
clothe Them , buy Them All
school uniforms
and share
special Parties for Them .
Your donations also take care of
any thing else that They may need .
You have also helped to create
and clothe 3 " Soccer teams'
that Aron has got together
to keep the Boys off the Streets .
You help Aron do a lot of good
for His community ...
such as ... donate what is needed
after devastating shack fires...
help with bus fares and food
for Funerals ...

You bought warm pants and
jackets for 50 Children
this Winter....
You help support Our
local SPCA ,and every day
Your Donations uplift Someone !
We have Folk pass by
who are doing something for
Children with Cancer...
Children burned in shackfires ,
a Christmas party for
Orphaned Children...
the Angels always know who
to send Our way to share
Your donations with .

In December You helped Us
create a
" Christmas Room and Garden'
to share with Everyone ...
here's some pictures of the
first party We  had .

We have worked on bigger Projects
and have built Homes and
Vegetable Gardens , and are
now building a Bedroom
for Aron's Children ,
Simon and Zintle
Thank You for being apart
of Our everyday Miracles !
Keep on Shining and being
soooooo Special !
Love and Peace ,
Minky and All in ' Sulina " .