XXX Hello Dear Ones XXX
Sorry , but , I just don't get it !
We teach Our Children to ask a
" Trustworthy Adult " for help ,
when They are being abused ....
so why do They get more abused
when Someone Lovingly tries to help ?!
Why won't " Adults " listen to Their
Children , when They
are being asked to ...
stop smoking around Them ...
to stop shouting and smacking Them ...
to take time out and listen to what
the Child is unhappy about ? ...
to take the time to just Hug
and say I Love You !
Why do Adults feel They have the
right to punish Children
because They know and share truths ,
that make the Adults feel jealous ,
insecure and threatened ?!
When are movies , TV programes
and schools going
to start teaching the much
needed lessons on living
in Love , Peace and
Harmony together ? !
I apologise to these Special Light Beings
for the fact that the " Adult world "
refuses to accept
and Love Them for the
little Messiahs that They are ...
I can only ask all the
Angels to surround
all Gentle , Kind and Loving
Humans with extra
Protective energies...
so that Their bright Lights
may continue
to shine out and overcome
all negatives sent Their way !