hee ! hee ! I got a few mails
saying that most of You are going
into Autumn , not Spring !
Keep forgetting You
All Live in faraway lands ...
feels like You live just down the road !
So for those who are
not springing around ,
here's a Gift to
help You get into an
Autumny mood !
Enjoy !
xxx sorry ...link has expired xxx
And here's some cards I made
to inspire You .
XXX Thank You XXX
Granny Art , Jecajo and
for these Autumn sharings
The Wild Wind Fae are
still blowing everything around ,
so tuck in Your wings !
One of Our little Visitors told Me
that the Wind Faeries
Love to make knots in Her Hair ,
but She's
" not really that crazy about it ! "
So We decided that hats on
a windy day are a good idea ...
well Jethro says that the Wind
Faeries have to blow hard ,
because that's how the
clouds learn to fly !
Methinks it be time
for Jethro to write some stories for Us !
The other day He shared
an amazing descriptive tale
about the diggers and graders
and how hard they were
working to make a new road...
" some were singing and some
were puffing and some
were grunting ... but they
were all very happy !"
hee ! hee ! I Love listening
to Jethros' stories !
Must post this before the WindFae
cut off the electrics again !
Been quite a disco going on these
past few days !
Makes life quite an adventure indeed !
Well... whatever the weather ... May You
All have a warm and snuggly day !
Keep on Shining and being
sooooo Special !
Blessings and Love
Thank you so much for sharing! Autumn is beautiful!