Helllooooo Dear Ones ,
This has been an amazing week
of meeting
loooooots of New Friends ...
so wonderful to see how the
" Soul Families " are gathering
sooooooooo exciting !
I thought I'd Create a card
to Welcome You All ....
and a Gift for You to play
with ...for You are all
and a Gift for You to play
with ...for You are all
Special Companions ,
travelling this Incredible
Pathway to the Light together !
I know , There are days when
it does not feel this way...
The Angels continue
to remind Me...
" It may feel like
everything's falling apart ,
but actually ,everything is
falling together !
I was reminded of
Special moments treasured ,
when , this morning ,
I was woken by gentle whispers
from Sera and Jethro
and opened My eyes to Jethro's
Shiny , Smily Face
excited to give Me a Flower
He had picked , and to
share Morning cuddles , with
Mommy reading Us
some of His favourite books...
A wondrous way to start the day !
So now I share a quick
Lunch Break with You , and
share some treats to
get the Weekend
Creative juices flowing !
So now I share a quick
Lunch Break with You , and
share some treats to
get the Weekend
Creative juices flowing !
This Gift can be found
under " Mini Treats '
in Our Special Creative Club !
Enjoy !
Darling Kyra
has Created this Beautiful QP
for You to just pop
Your favourite photie into !
XXX Thanxxxxx Dear One XXX
Have fun with this One !
Have fun with this One !
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